Headache in Children

Best Child Headache Treatment in Jaipur Rajasthan

Headache in Children

Headache is one of the most common complaints of children and teenagers. Fussiness, crankiness and not being able to sleep may be the only signs of head pain in children who are too young to tell you where they hurt.

Causes of Headache

Headaches may be commonly caused by infections such as cold, cough, ear infections, dental infections etc. They may also be caused by stress or tiredness. Such type of headcahes occur occasionally, are less sever and often do not need any specific treatment.

Many children have recurrent headaches such as migraine, tension headache and cluster headaches.

Rarely, headaches may be caused by head trauma, tumor or brain infection and need urgent treatment.


Headache may occur in different locations, can be mild to severe and may be accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light or sound, pain in belly, sweating and redness of the eyes.

  • Tension Headache: this type of headache happens when the muscles in the head and neck tighten and ache. Your child may say the pain feels like a tight band around the head. Emotional stress and getting too tired are the two most common causes.
  • Migraine : Migraine is a severe headache which causes Pulsating, throbbing or pounding head pain, Pain that worsens with exertion, Nausea, Vomiting, Abdominal pain and Extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Even young children can have migraines.
  • Cluster Headaches: Cluster headaches are uncommon in children under 10 years of age. They usually occur in groups of five or more episodes and involve sharp, stabbing pain on one side of the head that lasts less than three hours. They are accompanied by teariness, congestion, runny nose, or restlessness or agitation.

You should see a doctor if the headache is severe, not getting better with medicine, occurs again and again, increasing in frequency or interfering with daily activity of the child. Also, in case of accompanying fever, vomiting, difficulty in walking, imbalance, or sleep disturbance, you should not ignore the headache.


The diagnosis of the type and cause of headache will depend on detailed history and examination of the child. In some children, other tests such as blood tests, CT scan or MRI of the brain may be needed for a diagnosis.


Treatment of the headache depends on the cause.

Lifestyle modifications such as adequate sleep, regular meals, physical activity, limiting screen time and avoiding specific risk factors can improve headache in many children.

Medications can be used for preventive as well as abortive treatment of headaches in case of severe or frequent headaches that interfere with daily life.